A Way You Can Help with the LA Fires

January 13 to January 17

Most of us know someone affected by the horrible fires. If you can help directly, that’s wonderful and please do so. If you want to also want to those affected, we are going to be gathering supplies to deliver to shelters. We have three locations to drop off the items. All the info is below.

If you don’t live in the area, or just want to donate money, please feel free to donate one of these wonderful places:

Thanks to the following Locations for offering a drop off location:

Thank you!

Your help is greatly appreciated.

NOTE: There are many wonderful places accepting donations to the fire victims. Our goal is to offer a place that might be close to your home or work. Feel free to donate anywhere that is convenient for you. Once we have all the donations at the four location, we’re going to distribute them to local charity organizations so that the donations are distributed properly.